Woolgathering; A Look Inside

Woolgathering; A Look Inside

by Booster Apps December 21, 2017

Here at Soaring Heart, we take great pride and pleasure in the opportunity to work with truly inspiring local and regional suppliers; each of whom share our commitment to sustainable, organic living. We regularly visit their farms and mills, and love sharing the experience with our Soaring Heart friends and family.  Here's a look at our most recent adventure.

Woolgatherers trip

The 2017 Woolgatherer pilgrimage to the foothills of Mount Shasta will not be a trip soon forgotten. Being witness to the hard work and dedication of our suppliers left me with a feeling of comfort and assurance that we are offering our customers the best materials possible. Truly, no shortcuts are taken in the commitment to the chemical-free processing of Soaring Heart wool.

We were shown how a bale of raw wool, fresh off the back of a sheep, gets turned into the soft woven wool batting used in our products. And it's a pleasure to watch the loom's delicate dance, weaving the oriented fibers into the batting.

An array of machinery, in different warehouses, is required to get this job done; a few key pieces even dating back to the industrial revolution! When you get it right the first time, why reinvent the wheel? The importance of this antique machinery becomes clear when considering it was made in a time before the chemical processing of wool. It's now more relevant than ever if we want to keep harmful industrial chemicals out of our bedding.

In addition to observing the supply side of Soaring Heart materials, the trip was a wonderful opportunity to get to know my coworkers and the greater Soaring Heart family a little bit better. What's becoming clear is that we are all very lucky to be part of such a personal, caring, and dedicated company. ​

Evan - Logistics

Booster Apps
Booster Apps


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