Soaring Heart Partners with Charter For Compassion International

by Eoin Hudson November 27, 2013

Soaring Heart Natural Bed Company is very proud to announce that we have partnered with the Charter for Compassion International, an organization devoted to promoting a “cooperative effort to restore not only compassionate thinking but, more importantly, compassionate action to the center of religious, moral and political life.”

Compassion is something we strongly believe leads to a better life for everyone. It is the reason why Soaring Heart Natural Bed Company donates 1% of our annual revenue to charitable organizations, hosts charity events at our facility, and has four annual pillow builds--a fun event where we and volunteers build Soaring Heart pillows to donate to the less fortunate.

If compassion is something that speaks to you as well, we urge you to go to, read the charter, and see what they are all about. There are some very exciting things happening with the Charter right now and we are honored to support it.

Eoin Hudson
Eoin Hudson


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