Clearance items are sold "as is" and are nonreturnable and nonrefundable. These almost-perfect items have all the same comfort and luxury our products are known for, but don't quite measure up to our exacting standards. All are made with the same high-quality materials and superior handcrafting you expect from us.
What makes an item a clearance item? In the majority of cases, it’s what we refer to as a “small fabric defect” - a slight imperfection in the weave or speck of discoloration or other mark that found its way on to the fabric. Barely noticeable, and with no effect on usability, comfort, or durability. We’re picky, so what we catch during production may not even be noticeable to you. Once inside a duvet cover or pillow case, no one will know that bedding you’re getting a great deal on is anything less than perfect.