What's happening at Soaring Heart Natural Beds?

What's happening at Soaring Heart Natural Beds?

by LeeAnna Buis February 22, 2016

Soaring Heart Natural Beds

There’s a lot going on at Soaring Heart Natural Beds. We’re winning awards, improving a showroom and helping shape the landscape of green business. And we want to share the news with you.

First, a humble brag; Soaring Heart has been invited to be a featured speaker at the GoGreen Seattle conference in March. We are honored to sit alongside organizations who, like Soaring Heart, have made conscientious, sustainable, environmentally-friendly business practices the cornerstone of their work.


GSoaring Heart Natural Beds GoGreenoGreen empowers businesses with strategies, tools and connections to green their organizations with profitability in mind. Soaring Heart President/CEO Mike Schaefer, will be participating in the “Urban Manufacturers Fueling the Innovation Economy” panel on March 30th. If there are any business owners or decision makers in our Soaring Heart family that are interested in learning more about green business practices, we encourage you to attend the event. And be sure to stop by and say hi to Mike.

Be on the lookout for a new monthly feature on sleep wellness! Our products give you physical tools. We also want to help you develop the mental, emotional and environmental tools to reap the full benefits of proper, healthful sleep. We’ll share research, recommendations and simple tips you can incorporate into your daily routine. We hope you’ll share your own thoughts and experiences on our blog and Facebook pages, as well as sharing our tips with friends and family. Imagine the positive impact we could have on our community if we all simply slept better.

Soaring Heart Natural Beds Organic Shikibutons

We are in the midst of redesigning our Fremont showroom and hope to have the space finished soon. If you need a little incentive to stop by and take a look, we are also bringing in new furniture lines, beautifully crafted from sustainably harvested hardwoods. And we are offering some great savings for February. 10% off adjustable foundations & organic Shikibutons!

Lastly, we are extremely proud to have won the City Beat News Spectrum Award for excellence in customer care. We know that we’re nothing without our loyal customers. We sincerely thank you for the positive comments, posts and reviews that helped Soaring Heart win this acknowledgement.

LeeAnna Buis
LeeAnna Buis


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