Dear Abby - Or Rather, Dear Soaring Heart

by Eoin Hudson June 13, 2012 2 Comments

Okay, Folks, it's time for the reader participation portion of the blog.  Gear up for a little Q & A.

Dear Soaring Heart,

For days now I have been feeling exhausted. Every morning when I wake up, I feel like I haven't slept a wink. What can I do about this?

- Sleepy in Seattle


Dear Sleepy in Seattle,

It is during times like this that I like to reflect on the words of philosophers.  Jim Morrison once said, “I'll never wake up in a good mood again.  I'm tired of these stinky boots.”  Now, I'm not entirely certain how this relates, but I find the sentiment to be powerful.  Have you purchased new boots recently or conversely, have you not bought a pair of boots recently enough?

I used to own a pair of winter boots and never realized those liners came out.  That knowledge could have been of real use to me, and probably would have made the boots last much longer.  I can't recall how moody I was back then in the mornings, but I bet they didn't help. 

I would suggest taking a stern look in the closet to get the skinny on your boot situation, and then make proper arrangements.  If that still doesn't work, you could always try some of these organic pillows or mattresses.


If you have a question, please email it to us at or post below or on Facebook

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Eoin Hudson
Eoin Hudson


2 Responses

Soaring Heart
Soaring Heart

June 14, 2012

Dear Not Sleeping in the Suburbs,
17", my goodness. There is a lot to your question and not a lot of space on this page. Why don’t you shoot an email to and we will get this whole thing sorted. For the email, one question for you. Are you thinking of replacing your current mattress or adding another layer?

Not Sleeping in the Suburbs
Not Sleeping in the Suburbs

June 13, 2012

Dear Soaring Heart:
In the effort to keep a mattress out of the landfill before its time, I opted opted for a mattress topper. First up: a 2 inch eco wool topper. Noticeable improvement, but still not quite there. Next try: latex topper underneath. Ahh heavenly – for me – but not so much for my partner. His comment: like sleeping on a giant marshmallow and we need a ladder to get in to bed, He’s not too far off the mark, its about 17 inches combined (Westin Hotel Heavenly Bed).
What would you suggest? A cotton or cotton wool futon or perhaps one of the same in a shikibuton?
And since we are already layering, what are your thoughts on getting two XL twins instead of a King for more customization?


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