5 Easy Eco-Friendly Tips For Cleaning Your Home

5 Easy Eco-Friendly Tips For Cleaning Your Home

by Mike Schaefer June 02, 2020

Natural, homemade cleaning agents are a far better option to keep your home clean and healthy. They can be just as effective as store-bought products and cost only a fraction of the price.  Here's some ideas for you to consider

Your basic eco-friendly home cleaning kit should include:

  • White vinegar
  • Baking soda
  • Salt
  • Castile soap
  • Olive oil
  • Hemp or cotton washable cloths and rags
  • Luffa sponges
  • Lemon oil (optional)

1. Clean The Oven Without Elbow Grease

Grease stains in the oven are notorious for their persistence, but nature has the answer to everything. To prepare your DIY oven cleaning product, only three simple ingredients are necessary – baking soda, white vinegar, and water. 

How to Prepare

Mix a cup of baking soda with about half a cup of water, until the mixture gets a mushy texture. You can also add a few drops of essential oil to add a nice smell or enhance the cleaning efficiency (lemon oil is especially good for these purposes). 

How to Use

Using a sponge, apply the mixture in the oven, slightly rubbing some greasier patches. 

Leave it to sit until the next day and then spray with vinegar. 

The grease should be now easy to remove with a sponge and some water.

2. Shiny Windows and Glass Surfaces

How to Prepare

Make a natural window cleaner by mixing two cups of water with two tablespoons of white vinegar. You can also add a few drops of lemon oil for a nice smell. 

How to Use

Pour the mixture in a spray bottle, shake well, grab a cloth and you are ready to make your windows shine. If the windows are very dirty, prewash them with castile soap mixed with water.

3. Clogs Go Down The Drain

How to Prepare

You don’t need to reach out to some aggressive chemicals when your drains are clogged. Make a homemade drain cleaner by mixing ¼ cup of salt with ¼ cup of borax and ½ cup of white vinegar. 

How to Use

Pour the mixture down the drain and wait for an hour before pouring hot water. For more persistent clogs, just repeat the entire process. 

The best way to avoid clogging in the first place is to put a drain cover, preferably made of metal due to its longevity and antimicrobial properties.

4. Olive Oil Is A Remedy For Wooden Surfaces

How to Prepare

Wooden surfaces are simple to clean and maintain with this all-purpose solution: mix a cup of water with a cup of vinegar and add a tablespoon of olive oil. 

How to Use

Pour the mixture into a spray bottle and shake well before each use. 

To make a wood polishing solution use this simple recipe - mix one tablespoon of vinegar with three tablespoons of olive oil and you are ready to go.

5. Don’t Forget To Clean The Air Too

Air quality is very important for health, so make sure to regularly ventilate your home. Good air circulation is especially important during cleaning activities, considering that a lot of dust that has settled becomes airborne again. 

The most natural way to maintain air quality – open your windows wide, and let the fresh air take away dust particles and other air pollutants. Also avoid using synthetic air fresheners, because they contain harmful chemicals.

Thanks to our friend Don Giddings Founder of https://www.greenlivingzone.com/ for sharing this article!

Mike Schaefer
Mike Schaefer


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