For 38 years we've prided ourselves on providing personalized products and services tailored to the unique needs of each customer. Today is no different - we care how you sleep, and we're committed to your health and safety.
Our handmade beds are crafted to meet strict global organic standards - meaning we know the origin and treatment of every ingredient that touches your bedding all the way to your doorstep. No fumigants, no flame retardants, no cleaning solutions or petroleum based off-gassing components. All natural, all the time.
Plus we offer a well tested personalized in store or online shopping experience to allow you to relax and enjoy the process of picking what's most comfortable to you! Call and make an appointment, or - if you're out of town, or quarantined - call and talk with our sales team for an in depth consultation crafted to meet your needs. Especially right now - we have all the time in the world to help you understand your choices, listen to your concerns and savor every minute of the remote shopping experience. We are here to help!
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No matter what kind of product you’re looking to purchase these days, there is almost always guaranteed to be many ways to go about buying, and always a multiplicity of options to choose from. Whether you’re buying online or walking into a brick-and-mortar store, it is important to know a little bit about the ‘natural’ product you’re buying
Mike Schaefer