Quick Tips for Great Sleep (tonight!)

Quick Tips for Great Sleep (tonight!)

by Mike Schaefer March 22, 2020

Quarantined? Sheltered in Place? Home with the kids and looking for things to do?  Here's a couple quick tips to help everyone sleep better - starting tonight:

1)  Air your bedding.  When cherry trees blossom its a great reminder to hang a temporary clothes line and air your winter bedding.  Or lay a sheet over the lawn furniture and spread out your pillows and toppers - if your grass is fresh, laying directly on dry grass is a super way to invigorate cotton fabrics.   Wool especially loves the sunshine - it drys out the fibers, creates loft and enhances that sense of freshness.

2) Do a thorough launder of your mattress pads, dust mite covers, pillow liners.  Flip the mattress and catch up with those dust bunnies hiding under the bed. 

3) Check your labels!  C'mon - how long have you really had those bed pillows?  How long has it been since that extra set of sheets in the closet was used (much less laundered?)  Now is a great chance to take inventory, donate those linens you aren't using anymore - and circulate the items you love and have just forgotten about using lately.

When you cuddle up in your bed tonight all of us at Soaring Heart want you to rest assured that every stitch in every product we make is made with care.  Check in with us whenever you're ready to refresh your bedding - we have options and ideas for every budget and every household.  Meanwhile, stay safe and do your part to help all of us sleep soundly!

Mike Schaefer
Mike Schaefer


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