Seven Odd Sleep Facts

by Eoin Hudson July 26, 2012 1 Comment

Being that I work for a mattress company, it stands to reason that I spend a good deal of time researching all things sleep. There are articles on insomnia, sleep apnea, how your environment affects your sleep, what you can do to improve your sleep, what you're doing wrong while you sleep, and much, much more. 

Buried in this multitude of information, every once in a while one finds a little nugget. A small, twinkling golden fact that catches your eye as you quickly scan the text. It is for these moments, that I, like the early prospectors, live for. After panhandling through small, dense type for what can seem like days, there it is: a perfectly strange, little known, fact about sleep. 

Don't get me wrong, these articles are and can be great, but they are pretty dense and... well... not exactly a ripping good read. So, here are seven of my favorites.


Before the advent of television and movies, people dreamed in color. Then, in the first half of the 20th century, as popular culture was introduced to black and white film and TV, our dreams shifted to monochrome. With the advent of Technicolor technology in the 60s, people started dreaming in color again. Now, only one-in-eight people dream in black-and-white—and they are mostly over the age of 55 (old enough to have grown up watching those old, black-and-white TV shows).


While in REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep, you become almost paralyzed. This is nature's way of stopping you from acting out your dreams and hurting yourself
Giraffes sleep only 1.9 hours a day in 5-10 minute naps; koala bears sleep 22 hours a day; and a snail can sleep for three years. 

We can only dream about faces we have already seen, whether we consciously remember them or not.




Brains are more active--and you burn more calories-- while sleeping than when watching television. 
The average person takes seven minutes to fall asleep and hits the snooze button three times in the morning. 
Scientists are still puzzled about a sleep study done in 1998 in which the sleep-wake “clocks” of participants' brains reset when high intensity lights were pointed at the backs of their knees.

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Eoin Hudson
Eoin Hudson


1 Response


July 26, 2012

Fun facts! Really puzzled about the #1 fact. By far the oddest, to be sure. As an aside, how does one know when a snail is sleeping? Just askin’

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