"I love my towels," Catherine--our Marketing Manager--gushed when I asked her what product she was currently most excited about, "They're so absorbent." And she would know, it's like the Brady Bunch over there at casa Catherine. With six children, spanning the years of college to motherhood, rotating through the house during the year, you could say Catherine has given these towels a trial by fire.
"Coffee? I don’t need no stinkin’ coffee!” One very awake blogger’s review of the Sonic Boom Alarm Clock.
It isn't unusual for customers to ask us our opinion on various sleep products--special alarm clocks, sleeping aids, herbal remedies, sound nullifiers, eye-masks...
At Soaring Heart Natural Bed Company, we firmly believe in designing products with cradle-to-cradle lifecycles. Traditional mattress manufacturers design products with linear lifecycles...
Visit Soaring Heart Natural Bed Company on Saturday April 27th for the Northwest Eco-Building Guild's Northwest Green Home Tour 2013 and receive 10% off our wool pillows! If you can't join us in person, our wool pillows will be 10% off online as well! But it's only for Saturday the 27th!
Buying a new mattress can be confusing. There are so many options in the mattress and bedding world it can be overwhelming. Every day we answer a huge variety of questions via email, over the phone, and in the store. We decided to make this a more interactive process, where people can see other customers' questions as well as their own. We will continuously post more frequently asked questions, but please comment with any further or different questions you may have and we will be happy to answer them.