Let's celebrate window shopping - visit our new Location in Edmonds, WA

Let's celebrate window shopping - visit our new Location in Edmonds, WA

November 06, 2020

Yes, it's true - we have opened a new store in downtown Edmonds, WA - right on Main St., two blocks up from the ferry terminal.  COVID may have taken some of the wind out of our sales the last few months - but we remain optimistic about the need for healthy, organic sleep - as well as the joys of window shopping! 


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View Our Catalog

View Our Catalog

August 04, 2020

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The new way to go back to school

The new way to go back to school

August 01, 2020

Preparing for heading back to school this year won’t look like what you’ve done before. There is extraordinarily little about this year that will be like what you’ve done before. And if this is your child’s first time in school, you’ll be having a vastly different experience than many other parents have had.

But even though it will be different, it doesn’t mean you can’t prepare. There’s actually a lot you can — and should — do to get your kids and yourself ready for heading back to school. How about if you start with the correct mattress choice? 

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5 Quick Tips for Assessing Your Sleep!

5 Quick Tips for Assessing Your Sleep!

July 17, 2020

Today, far too many of us are suffering from sleep insufficiency.  Not enough sleep or sleep that's not restful or refreshing.  Here's a little "cheat sheet" for assessing the quality of your sleep.  If any of these factors apply to you - we'd encourage you to contact your doctor or medical professional for further assessment.

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Having fun with masks, robes and hand sanitizers!

Having fun with masks, robes and hand sanitizers!

June 30, 2020

 Welcome to the future of mattress shopping.  While we've always been concerned about the purity and safety of your sleep, these days we are happy to extend that concern to every aspect of your shopping experience.  Whether it is the freshly laundered robe you'll receive to wear as you try beds during your in store appointment, or the masks and hand-sanitizer required during your visit, it's our job to go the extra mile.

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Our stores are Open...with caution!

Our stores are Open...with caution!

June 13, 2020

Slowly, and with caution, we are reopening our stores for in person shopping.  In Washington State this means we need to limit the number of people in our stores, wear face masks and keep social distancing.  We've also taken additional steps to ensure health and safety - like providing cozy, sanitized robes to wear while trying our beds and pillow protectors to ensure everyone's visit is fresh, safe and still lots of fun!

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5 Easy Eco-Friendly Tips For Cleaning Your Home

5 Easy Eco-Friendly Tips For Cleaning Your Home

June 02, 2020

Natural, homemade cleaning agents are a far better option to keep your home clean and healthy. They can be just as effective as store-bought products and cost only a fraction of the price.  
Your basic eco-friendly home cleaning kit should include: White vinegar,
Baking soda, Salt, Castile soap, Olive oil, Hemp or cotton washable cloths and rags, Luffa sponges and Lemon oil

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    Bedding and Sleepwear Fabrics to Avoid - and Their Eco-Alternatives

    Bedding and Sleepwear Fabrics to Avoid - and Their Eco-Alternatives

    May 31, 2020

    Are you getting enough sleep?

    Studies say we should: it helps improve our productivity and strengthen our immunity, among other advantages. The secret behind a good night of sleep?
    Having comfy and cozy bedding and sleepwear. But how comfortable are the fabrics you sleep with?

    While at it, how sustainable are they?

    Fabrics to avoid
    Polyester, Nylon, Rayon, Bamboo

    Eco-Friendly Fabrics

    Cotton, Wool, Silk, Linen


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    Our Customer Safety Promise

    Our Customer Safety Promise

    May 20, 2020 1 Comment

    Whew - have we been busy entirely revamping our shopping experience to protect the health and safety of our employees and customers!  We expect the "new normal" to be here for the long run and we love all the input we've been getting as we do our part to redesign mattress shopping for the future.

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    Curbside Pickup or Home Delivery - We're here to help!

    Curbside Pickup or Home Delivery - We're here to help!

    May 06, 2020

      For 38 years we've prided ourselves on providing personalized products and services tailored to the unique needs of each customer.  Today is no different - we care how you sleep, and we're committed to your health and safety.

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    Earth Month: Sticking with our values

    Earth Month: Sticking with our values

    April 06, 2020

    What a great month to reflect on the importance of everything little thing we do to make our world a better place to live.  Tough times like these can't help but bring us back to the basics - living healthy, caring for each other and appreciating every moment we can spend in the great outdoors.  (Even if we can't sleep on the beach every night!)

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    Quick Tips for Great Sleep (tonight!)

    Quick Tips for Great Sleep (tonight!)

    March 22, 2020

    Quarantined? Sheltered in Place? Home with the kids and looking for things to do?  Here's a couple quick tips to help everyone sleep better - starting tonight:

    1)  Air your bedding.  When cherry trees blossom its a great reminder to hang a temporary clothes line and air your winter bedding.  

    2) Do a thorough launder of your mattress pads, dust mite covers, pillow liners.  Flip the mattress and catch up with those dust bunnies hiding under the bed. 

    3) Check your labels!  C'mon - how long have you really had those bed pillows?  

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